Rare Endocrinology News

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Gene expression profiling

Gene expression profiling is the measurement of the activity of multiple genes, to create a global picture of cellular function

5 Facts you should know



The flow of information from DNA to RNA to proteins is the fundamental principle of molecular biology



Although genes contain the instructions for making messenger RNA (mRNA), at any point in time, each cell makes mRNA from only a fraction of the genes it carries




Gene expression profiling measures mRNA levels, showing the pattern of genes expressed by a cell at the transcription level



These profiles can distinguish between cells that are actively dividing, or show how the cells react to a particular treatment



Because gene expression provides data about the expression and interaction of genes in diseases with known genetic bases, gene expression profiling can be used as both a diagnostic and prognostic tool

Gene expression profiling is also known as...

mRNA vaccines is also known as:

  • RNA expression analysis
  • Promoter analysis
  • Protein expression analysis
  • Post-translational modification evaluation

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